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Home > Programming > Learning Go web dev

published 2023-09-28

After reading about this topic for quite some time now my interest was definitely there. I just didn't find a good starting point, the spark to ignite the fire was missing. Then I stumbled upon Alex Edward's book "Lets Go" in the Go subreddit. It's a very good read and well structured. Also while working through the book, new updates were released accommodating changes from newer Go versions.

The book uses Go html templating, Go data/sql (so no SQL abstraction, raw SQL), MySQL as database, httprouter by Julien Schmidt, Justinas alice middleware framework and nosurf middleware. That's about it for the dependencies and it's surprisingly easy and lightweight to work with and it's very productive. Go and it's standard library is a very powerful language to work with and has a lot of potential.

Next stop: Exploring gorm (Go ORM framework) and the combination with HTMX for frontend reactivity to build easy but powerful apps. I think I will build my planned collection manager app with Go+HTMX.